Mand trykker på skærm for personalisering

There has been a general increase in the demand for personalized products for the individual customer. In a study by Deloitte they found that over 50% of potential customers in certain categories were interested in a personalized product or service.

Various industries have over a longer period moved more towards a production where the individual customer has had the opportunity to stamp and design parts of the product he/she has purchased. However, it has typically been more expensive products such as cars where you can choose various things and choose the color yourself.

It has been difficult to spread to cheaper products, as, for example, traditional production of products in plastic has used a mold. A change to the product has required a new shape, which is expensive to manufacture.

However, 3D printing opens up completely new possibilities for personalizing products for the individual customer.

This can be, for example:

  • Color
    • It is really only the imagination that sets limits to this, as you can buy plastic in many different colors.
  • Size
    • With 3D printing, you can to some extent vary the size of what is produced, however you are limited by the size of the printer's circuit board.
  • Texts/engravings
  • Floor plans
  • figures/models
    • It is also widely used to make figures using 3D printing, as you can easily get your very special (typically digital) figure in a physical printout. For example, you can use heroforge for this.

3D printing is still a relatively new technology, but heavy investment is being made in the technology, and this means that the technology is developing very quickly. This means that mass production of personalized products is closer than ever and could mean that you can more easily get exactly what you are looking for.

You can start by checking our products on this page.